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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Hulda around about 1974 +/- 14 years.

Angela Getkate (Ashley Oh Ashley), South African 1987
Seeking: Carli (uk), Thomas,(dm) Anders (sw), Colin (sa), Tabita (h)
caroline Wilson (Carli), 1987
Thomas Vixø (Thomas), 1987
ami robin, 1988
Seeking: Kim Nelson from UK.
Angela Getkate (Ashley Oh Ashley), South African 1988
Hanne Hos (Hannah), Dutch 1988
Seeking: Jette Jense Dk Rikki Dresner Dahlia (isr) Vered Dudai Tom Gordon (usa)
Holger Haardt, German 1988
Seeking: Tom, Benoit From France, Zohar From The Kibbutz
Mac De Roode (Marco), Dutch 1988
Seeking: Philip de Lange, Con London and Robert Cohen, all from Holland
Phil De Lange, Dutch 1988
Seeking: Mac De Roode Marco E. Hans En Carien Dikke Pad Marieke En Marlouk

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