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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Eilon around about 1992 +/- 12 years.

Phil Georgiou, English 1986
Seeking: Yvonne Wendie Blenkinsop Hadas Tali
Andrew Oliver (Donut), English 1987
Seeking: Stephen Howell Pup Richie (harrogate) Phil Measey
Barbara Franklin-Mcn (Babs), English 1987
Seeking: Phil Steve Billy
Nick Gratton (Nick), English 1987
Seeking: Mana
Phil Measey, English 1987
Seeking: Tigger,amanda,barbara,flash,donut,sally,phil,stve,bobby,steve Brown,mana(japan)yevonne,eavet And Anyone From 87/91
Selena Mitchell, English 1987
Seeking: Mana Justine Yvette Yvonne
Simon Hart, English 1987
Seeking: Stuart (southampton) Lisa (devon) Michelle (devon)
Steven Howell (Kaboke Steve), English 1987
Seeking: Donut Yuonne Anyone
Alter Kleiman, Argentinian 1988
Seeking: All My Friens
Hanka Burstein, Israeli 1988
Seeking: Volunteers Who Were In Eilon Between 1988 And 2005
Lisa Stoneman, English 1988
Seeking: Susannah Guy, Simon Hart, Stuart, Paddy Etc
Lizette Petersen, Danish 1988
Seeking: Jenine Michell Monty Saul Ect. All Of You...
Paddy Rogers, 1988
Phil Georgiou, English 1988
Simon Hart, 1988
Stuart Worth (Stu), English 1988
Seeking: John Artless Big Jim Pavey Saul
Saul Carr, English 1989
Seeking: John Stuart Dave Etc
Steve Mcnabney (Uncle Norm), Canadian 1989
Seeking: Phil Measey Billy Smith
Steve Young, Australian 1989
Seeking: Glenn, Lizette
Steven Mcnabney (Uncle Norm), Canadian 1989
Seeking: Phil Measey Billy Smith
Johanne (jo) Geary, English 1990
Seeking: Trish (south Africa) Kirsty (carlisle)
John Artless, English 1990
Seeking: Stuart,lisa,pavey,big Jim,canadian Steve,ulla,amanda,measey,todd,matt,gary Etc You Know Who You Are
Shirley Meir, Israeli 1990
Seeking: Tony Lindskou Colin
Alexia Renedo, Spanish 1991
Seeking: Anyone From That Year
Seeking: Ulla, John, Eric, Craig, Jason (Massey), Dragon, Surgon, Matt, , etc... etc... so many good people!!!!
Dragan Petrovic (Gagi), Serbian 1991
Seeking: Sara Gawman, Maura,ulla...

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