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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in around about 1987 +/- 12 years.

Debbie Pond (sternbach), American 1975
Barbara Schneider, German 1978
Seeking: Mark (bras.), Roberto (bras.)
Barbara Schneider, German 1978
Seeking: Sherry (usa), Nathan (bras.), Asher (usa), Richard (usa), Etc.
Barbi Tenenbaum, Canadian 1978
Beth Stiefel-Itoh, American 1978
Seeking: Members Of The Kibbutz, Former Students Of The Ulpan Or Volunteer Staff From 1978 And 1979. I Was A Teacher Of English As A Foreign Language And Lived And Worked On The Kibbutz.
Caroline Godlove, British 1978
Seeking: Gill Philips
Debbie Pond (sternbach), American 1978
Debbie Pond (sternbach), American 1978
Seeking: Gill Phillips Malcolm Evan Sherrie Fenella Alan H. Neal K. And Anyone Else!!
Fenella Feldman, English 1978
Seeking: Debbie Pond Javier Manovitzs Sherie ?
Fenella Hoffman, British 1978
Seeking: Debbie&harold Pond
Fratoni Pierre, French 1978
Seeking: Anyone, But Most Of All... : Omar The Sport Teacher (very Smart), Leo (one Of The Brazilian Twin Guys), Judy (who Knew The Mute Language), Debby (fine Girl From New-York : She Was Crazy About Star Treck…) , Josh (economic Student… At This Time…).
Gill Phillips, British 1978
Seeking: Sherrie Goldman(usa) Harold And Debbie Pond(usa) Regane Teitelbom(brazil) And Anyone In The Ulpan Or Volunteers In 1978
Howie Berman, Canadian 1978
Seeking: Sandra Birman Barbie David Leyland
Howie Berman, Canadian 1978
Seeking: David Leyland Barbie Tennenbaum Sandra Birman Lisa Zaresky Etc.......
Jeff Magnuson, American 1978
Seeking: Steve (sam) (england) John (ireland) Omar (argentina) Black David (us)
Jodi Magnuson, Dutch 1978
Seeking: Omar Ajun (argentina) Joan Lyons; David Leyland; Howie (canada); Lois (ny) Liz (ca) Holly (chaya) (nj) Mark (ca) Ben(ny/ca) Shoshana(oregon Usa) Judy Barry (ny) Bobby Nyc. Alton Canada And Many More
John Doyle, Irish 1978
Seeking: Steve Dilley Holly (ulpan) Many Others
Jon Rubin, American 1978
Seeking: Anyone In The Ulpan Or Volunteers In 1978
Ken Lebowitz, American 1978
Seeking: Any Members Of My Ulpan Class
Lidia Vives, Azerbaijani 1978
Seeking: Alan Heavenrich Rejane Tetelbaum
Lidia Vives, Spanish 1978
Seeking: Alan Heavenrich
Lidia Vives (Lidia), Spanish 1978
Seeking: Alan Heavenrich Rejane Tetelbaum
Lisa Zaretsky, Canadian 1978
Seeking: Jeff Magnuson - U.s. Effie - Kibbutznik Diane - U.s. Beth - U.s. Howards (2) - Canada David (white) U.s. Gila - Kibbutznik
Liz Heller (Liz), American 1978
Seeking: Katy Itzhik Marc Lazzar Jodi Jaime Kryksman
Marc Lazzar, American 1978
Seeking: None
Barbi Tenenbaum, Canadian 1979
Seeking: Barry (usa) Nancy (usa) Walter(germany Themis (porto Alegre) Vera(porto Alegre)
Jodi Magnuson, Dutch 1979

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