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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Salou around about 2002 +/- 8 years.

Lauren Beaumont (Boo), English 2005
Seeking: Chris (nottingham) Ben (nottingham
Sophie Mcclure, British 2005
Seeking: Owen Monty (scottish)
Cat Beaumont (Malcolmette), English 2006
Seeking: Mark He Worked At Titanics Then Sinatras. Jamie He Worked At The Vines And Lived In The Union Campsite.
Leanne Barr (Lulu), Scottish 2006
Seeking: People
Synnöve Solbakken (Sinovitza), Norwegian 2006
Seeking: Gareth Daniel, British, Lived In Costa Brava, Now Lives In Salou I Think. We Met At Snoepy'S.
Jackie Heslop (Jackie), Welsh 2007
Seeking: Brandon He Got On With My Daughter Alicia At Caribe Resort Hotel 20-27august. He Was There With His Dad And Gran From London.
Murray Kirkwood, Scottish 2007
Seeking: The Irish Girl In The Brazilian Dress From The Festival Village Hotel
Anna Danilova, American 2009
Seeking: Marco (holland)

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