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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Yotvata around about 1980 +/- 12 years.

Brian Mccomb (Brian), Scottish 1985
Seeking: Thomas Dee
Tamara Rodel, 1985
Seeking: Michel Levy (french) Anat (israeli) Michel Levy (french) Anat (israeli)
Matt Gee, British 1987
Seeking: Michelle Alex
Andrew Friedman, Irish 1989
Seeking: Andy friedman Andy friedman
Katarina Thunberg (Katta), 1989
Katarina Thunberg (Katta), 1989
Matt Gee, British 1989
Seeking: Alex (uk) Cliff Warke (uk)
Catherine Crossley (Catherine), 1990
Seeking: Katy Smiles - Austrailian - very tanned hair dresser . Mum lived in the UK Jodie Stuart - from Victoria Austrailia Jody - also hairdresser from Oz Claus Ankorsen - travelled to Egypt together !? David Lowitz - Mango face ! Limor Berlad - Israeli
Daniel Krone, German 1990
Hal Belfer, Canadian 1990
Seeking: Beverly Goodman Others??
Matt Gee, British 1990
Seeking: Alex (uk) Cliff Warke (uk)
Nitor Rotin, Danish 1990
Seeking: Smuel
Seeking: anyone from that time
Lucy Mcnicholas (Jucie), English 1991
Seeking: Zoe Taylor
marc03071972 marc03071972 (marco or alex ), 1991
Seeking: anyone who remembers me
Matt Gee, British 1991
Seeking: Alex (uk) Cliff (uk)
Alex Cohen, English 1992
Seeking: Oliver Gomber Oliver Gomber
Clay Z (Smoke house blues), 1992
Seeking: Trevor and Richard Opie, Beatrice(Hungary) Alex Cohen, Gary Hecht Trevor and Richard Opie, Beatrice(Hungary) Alex Cohen, Gary Hecht
Daniel James, English 1992
Seeking: Anyone ... Just Interested To See What People Are Doing
Dayna Shereck, Canadian 1992
Seeking: Tamar,?
Dayna Shereck, Canadian 1992
Seeking: Tamar,?
marc03071972 marc03071972 (marco or alex ), 1992
Seeking: anyone who remembers me
Matt Gee, British 1992
Seeking: Alex (uk) Cliff (uk)

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