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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Revivim around about 1987 +/- 6 years.

Chris Jewitt, English 1983
Seeking: Lili(brazil) Adam(new York) Martin(bradford) Steve(ohio) Garath Lloyd Is That You(leeds)
Conan Lang, Australian 1983
Seeking: Max Molenar Chris Gareth Vesa Teji
Conan Lang, Australian 1983
Seeking: Max Molenar Chris Gareth Vesa Teji
Dianne Ford, 1983
Seeking: Denise (swiss) kirsty (uk) Jacqui (ire) Roo (uk) John (scott) Sarah (uk)
Gerald , 1983
Seeking: TITO (Alberto Garcia) Argentina PASCAL (?) France
Jelvon Doran (Jeli), English 1983
Seeking: Anyone
Jelvon Doran (Jeli), English 1983
Seeking: Anyone
Leah Service, American 1983
Seeking: Gilliangero Miller Chava Raviv Joseph Capuano
Liliane Naday (Lili), Brazilian 1983
Seeking: Chris,hagit Any One That Remenbers Not Good To Remember Names!
Nir Ben Lavi, Israeli 1983
Seeking: Joy, Chris, Simon, Sarah, Louisa
Sim Felix (Sim), English 1983
Seeking: Lotte Riis
Sim Felix (Sim), English 1983
Seeking: Lotte Riis
Simon Jacques, English 1983
Seeking: Lotte Riis Chris Jewitt Vesa Vemlin Simon Smyth
Simon Jacques, English 1983
Seeking: Lotte Riis Chris Jewitt Vesa Vemlin Simon Smyth
Simon Jacques, English 1983
Seeking: Lotti Riis Simon Smyth Chris Jewitt Lloyd (yorkshire) Vesa Vemlin Anyone Who May Know Me
Vesa Vemlin, Finnish 1983
Seeking: Chris Jewit, Simon Smyth, Gareth Ash, Etc.
Vesa Vemlin, Finnish 1983
Seeking: Christofer Jewitt, Simon Smythe, Simon Jaques, Gareth Ash, Renana Yasur
Alan Campion, 1984
Anthony Roberts, English 1984
Seeking: Any Of The People Who Were They At The Same Time As Me For The Best Of The Years From 1984/1985
Asa Alvebrand (Piglet), Swedish 1984
Seeking: Caroline Glover
Henry Parsons, Scottish 1984
Seeking: Those Out There
Henry Parsons, Scottish 1984
Seeking: Those Out There
Lily Harvitt, Dutch 1984
Seeking: Rami Cohen (israeli) Dahlia Cohen Israeli)
Lloyd Newman, English 1984
Seeking: Elizabeth Robertson South Africa
Lloyd Newman, English 1984
Seeking: Volunteers

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