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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Palmach Tsuba around about 1984 +/- 8 years.

Philippe Tanguy, French 1984
Seeking: All Volunteers (note That Palmach Tsuba Is Also Named Tzouba, Tzova, Tsuba...)
Seeking: Too long ago to remember everyone's names
Neil Spak, American 1985
Seeking: Miri And Anyone Else Who Was There During The Summer Of 1985. I Was The Lifeguard There For A Bit. I Was In The Ulpan Program. Would Love To Cathcup With Anyone...just To Say Hello.
Paul Madel, American 1985
Seeking: Anyone !, Anthony Jackson, Yaffa Isovitch, I Worked In The Raffat Then Moved Into An Apartment In Jerusalem...
Philippe Tanguy, French 1985
Seeking: Volunteers
Simon Porter (Spike), 1985
Seeking: Blake and John vassar
Susan Fitoussi (Shoshauna), American 1985
Seeking: Everybody Who Was There In 1985 - 1986
Susan Noyes, British 1985
Seeking: Roberto (italy) Hanny (ch) James N-P (uk) Pam (uk) Blake (uk) Aviva Martin (uk) Jo (uk) People On The Summer Ulpan 1985
Amy Shapiro, American 1986
Seeking: Andy Hurwitz Sylvia (s. Africa) Avril (s. Africa) Charlotte Lundis (denmark) Ian (uk) Barbara (uk) Israel (us) Petra (germany)
Amy Shapiro, American 1986
Seeking: Petra ? Charlotte Lundis Avril
Andrew Hurwitz (Andy), American 1986
Seeking: 1985 Anyone Who Was There From 1985/86 And 87/88 , Amy Shapiro , Carl Cowan , Dorothy Novak , Jerry , Simon Dalton , Rob And Tenny Jensen , Izzy The Hair Stylist
Bernard Domon, Swiss 1986
Seeking: Britta Schacht - Sabine Simon And Andrew
Seeking: Ian Fisher (Can) Varity (U.K.)
Jan Turner, German 1988
Seeking: Soeren, Danmark John, Canada Sarah, Uk Rod, Australia
Jessica Goldfinch, English 1988
Seeking: Simon Dalton Et Al
Rosie Klein (Rosie), English 1988
Seeking: Hillary
Andy Rivett-Carna, British 1989
Seeking: Junichi Ikeda (japanese) Ken Rosenthal (us) Claire Bonella (uk) Ira Sherman (canada) Rami Zverdlin (denmark) Christoph Cassel (german)
Efraim&jessi Wichmann, Germ/amer 1989
Seeking: Michael (canadian), Liesl (s.african), Penny (british), Danielle (british) Irit (israeli), Jim (norwegian), Andy (british)
Hal Belfer, Canadian 1989
Kari Salmi, Finnish 1989
Seeking: Basil Green Steven Berlyn Danielle Gordon Stephen Sutcliffe Debbie Webster Simon Dalton Nancy Greene
Kari Salmi, Finnish 1989
Michael Vigodda (The_maverick), Canada 1989
Seeking: Batsheva Gluckman Scott Benjamin Vivian Pinchus Becky Hillary
Michael Vigodda (Mike), Canadian 1989
Seeking: Scott Benjamin
Michael Vigodda (Mike), Canadian 1989
Seeking: Scott, Rex, Hillary, Leisel, Becky, Ephraim, Batsheva, Vivian And Lots More
Simon Dalton, English 1989
Seeking: Andy Hurwitz, Philippe Lascombe,
Steven Berlyn, American 1989
Seeking: Kari Salmi (fi) Katie Pattison (uk) Liesel Abrahams (sa) Scott Arneberg (us) Winnie Rehoven (den) Ira Sherman (can) Rami Zverdlin (den)

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