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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Jerusalem (no specific place) around about 1982 +/- 12 years.

Charlotte King, British 1992
Seeking: Tony Williams Hayley Debbie Chris
Eve Bowers (Evieb), British 1993
Seeking: Steve Crabb
Nicolas And Cheiban, New Zealander / Kiwi 1993
Seeking: Jacqueline Lamb John Lamb Jill Vine Arlena Dooly
Nicolas And Cheiban, New Zealander / Kiwi 1993
Seeking: Jacqueline Lamb
Graeme Thomson, Scottish 1994
Seeking: Einat Linda Scotty Paul
Lee Clark, English 1994
Seeking: Nick Day ,skruff,aden,anya, Mad John ,luigi, And Everyone Else Who Was In The "palm Hostel"
Ty Anderson, Dutch 1994
Seeking: Heidi Dalhoff(den) Justin Uren Susan Gleerup(den) Antje Kapek

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