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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Israel around about 1982 +/- 8 years.

Silvina Kramer (Silvina), American 1984
Seeking: My Cousin Graciela Pakman-Pianko Who Lives In Haifa With Husband Alex And 3 Daughters. Contact Silvina Bedrack-Kramer At Silkmom@ If Found. Last Saw Her In Buenos Aires In 1985
Silvina Kramer (Silvina), American 1984
Seeking: My Cousin Graciela Pakman-Pianko Who Lives In Haifa With Husband Alex And 3 Daughters. Contact Silvina Bedrack-Kramer At Silkmom@ If Found. Last Saw Her In Buenos Aires In 1985
Wemdy Smith (Wendy), English 1984
Seeking: Vanessa Deloras Marcus
Demo Data, Israeli 1985
Seeking: Pepole
Maxine David, English/israelie 1985
Seeking: Old Pals
Claudia Imoberdorf, Swiss 1986
Seeking: Siv More
Rachel Alkabes (Rachel), Brasileira 1986
Seeking: Dina Dagan Moris Amira Muis Amira
Raphael Donde, Israeli 1986
Seeking: Michael Conklin, Ruth Imonnen
Paul Heath (Stumpy), English 1987
Seeking: Tracey Cooper
Todd Rome, American 1987
Seeking: Todd Manus
Lisa Richards, British 1988
Seeking: Disco People In Tel Aviv People From The Top Hostel. All Nationalities Who Knew Me Elisha
Liz Goodall, English 1988
Seeking: Paul Wilson
David Nelson (Vodka Dave), Scottish 1989
Seeking: Jaimie Hemmington, Sven Ole Schmidt, Tinka Van Hulzen, Hin From Den Hagg, Dave Russon, Torben Schneider, Steve Fae Largs
Ur Gl, Israeli 1989
Seeking: Hcbo
Don Slovin (Don), American 1990
Seeking: I Was Living In Israel From 1990- 2001, In Theater And Music, Email Me
Jerry Simon, American 1990
Seeking: Kibbutz Ulpan
Steven Blumgart, South African 1990
Seeking: Noone
Maxine David, English/israelie 2000
Seeking: Old Pals

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