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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in San Antonio Bay around about 2006 +/- 12 years.

Eddie Boyle (Ted), Scottish 1994
Seeking: Amber Peers
Kim Jordan, British 1994
Seeking: Billy Irish Shane Irish Lay-La Brummie?
Adrian Algar (Ady), English 1995
Seeking: Mellisa Lee
Adrian Algar (Ady), English 1995
Seeking: Mellisa Lee
Donna Walton, English 1995
Seeking: Cherie Briggs? Of Pepes Bar Stuart Latimer? Of Pepes Bar Helen Cordingly??? The Stockport Lads?
Lisa Bembridge, English 1995
Seeking: Tina
Lou Gardner (Lou), Brittish 1995
Seeking: Juan/santi Miguel Mary/maria Miguel Joseph/pepe Miguel
Rachel Jones, British 1995
Seeking: Mark Kilner & Phil
Donna Walton, English 1996
Seeking: Cherie Briggs? Of Pepes Bar Stuart Latimer? Of Pepes Bar Helen Cordingly???
Deborah Hall, Scottish 1999
Seeking: Marco Spencer Sonya John & Tracy
Neil White, Irish 1999
Seeking: Nicola Hopkins Nicola Davidson
Sarah Taylor, English 1999
Seeking: Neil Goodridge(eng)
Aaron Brazier (Elbaroni), English 2000
Seeking: The Girls From The Active Bar
Dean King, English 2000
Seeking: K.t.
Kerry Fletcher (Bird), English 2000
Seeking: Active Bars
Kerry Fletcher (Bird), English 2000
Seeking: Active Bars
Lucy A.., Scottish 2000
Seeking: Michelle Adamson
Michelle Adamson, Scottish 2000
Michelle Rowlands (Scouse), British 2000
Seeking: Lisa M Carla & Chick Rick Tin Tin
Michelle Rowlands (Scouse), British 2000
Seeking: Lisa M, Carla &chick, Rick, Tin Tin, Adele
Clare Barrell (Clarebear), English 2001
Seeking: Jmc Reps Jo Jodie Louise
John Dow, Scottish 2001
Seeking: Jane D'Arcy Lisa Shauna
Kate Jackson, British 2001
Seeking: Dale
Lee Kan-Hai, British 2001
Seeking: Emily (british)

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