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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in San Antonio Bay around about 1981 +/- 12 years.

Gloria Abbiss (Glo), English 1977
Seeking: Vivian Plant
Gloria Abbiss (Glo), English 1977
Seeking: Vivian Plant
Elaine Pretty, Scottish 1981
Seeking: Jock From Wakefield
Mick Browne, English 1981
Seeking: Karen, Ralph,martin
Linda White , 1982
Susanne Hertzberg (Sue, Suzy, Sussie ), 1982
Seeking: Ugo Bracco from Turin/Torino, Italy
Gillian Greensteet (Gill), British 1984
Seeking: Juan Costa Sur
Stacie Killon (Gill'S Daugh), British 1984
Seeking: Juan Costa
Anne-Marie Criel, Belgian 1985
Seeking: Guenther Ursprung
Laura Faulkes, English 1985
Seeking: Keith (scottish) Ian (scottish)
Andrew Brand (Geordie), British 1986
Seeking: John (ferrett) Shads Shadow Rob Memo Tunisia
Christine Grossman (Chris), English 1986
Seeking: Antonio Fernandez Moreno
Christine Grossman (Chris), English 1986
Seeking: Antonio Fernandez Moreno
Yvonne Rea/murphy, Irish (Nothern) 1987
Seeking: Reijo Finland
Andrew Mclaughlin, Scottish 1988
Seeking: Judi Morley Claire Parker Mike Burgess Gary Henderson
Michelle Platts (Aerin), English 1988
Seeking: Stuart/stewart Lorraine Jim
Dean King (Bingo), English 1990
Seeking: Katie
Esseemma Thompson, British 1992
Seeking: Katesd(british)

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