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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Rethymnon around about 1981 +/- 12 years.

Carolyn Maxwell, Canadian 1980
Seeking: Friends From Rethymnon
Kicki Toledano Asb (Kicki), Swedish 1981
Seeking: Anyone With Memories From Long Ago.
Stevie Powell, English 1981
Seeking: Paul Saville Tim Leach Alan Moore Paul Moore Nobby Harry Lord Dave Ann Richer Australia
Stevie Powell, English 1981
Seeking: Paul Saville Tim Leach Alan Moore Paul Moore Nobby Harry Lord Dave
Carolyn Maxwell, Canadian 1982
Seeking: Lookin For Old Friends That Lived In Rethymnon In The Early 80'S
Seeking: Hello To All My Old Good Friends
Seeking: Hello To All My Old Good Friends
Shawn Smith (Smitty), Canadian 1984
Seeking: Cattis Persson Spelling????
Dave Vickers, British 1987
Seeking: Zimbo Pete Jo Rubin Mike Anyone
Angie Mckenna (Angie), Scottish 1992
Seeking: Andy Victor Genesi
Tania Spath, Australian 1993
Seeking: Javy (sth Africa)
Tania Spath, Australian 1993
Seeking: Javy (sth Africa)

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