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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Moshav Neot Hakikar around about 1985 +/- 10 years.

Raymond Turner, English 1979
Seeking: Reuven And Ester Ohanna Jimmy And Jane Wright Jane Wright Reuven @ Ester
, English 1980
Seeking: Any One Still Alive Or Did The Vodka Get You All In The End
Kurt Braendle, Swiss 1980
Seeking: John My Roommate, the irish girl who was working with me with Shmuli, and all the people from that time who remember me.
Marita Zwerink, Dutch 1980
Seeking: Danisch People, We Lived With In The Caravan From Affi Michael Visited Us In Enschede, Holland
Steven Collier (Billy/squeak), Scottish 1980
Seeking: Colin Gillies And Anne.keith Eddinton.angie Hendry/steve,lee Nussey
tony hickey, 1980
Valerie Kenny (Val), Irish 1980
Seeking: Alcindo Guy Danny Monica Wally Eleanor
Wally raynes, 1980
Wally raynes, 1980
Seeking: So long many friends, names...Geeze, I'm 56, dont remember what I had for lunch today! 1980 and 81. Would love to hear from all of you!!
Seeking: Micheal? Denmark
David McLeod, 1981
Seeking: Debs (Eng), Helmut (Ger) Sandra & Robyn (Aus) Debs (Eng), Helmut (Ger) Sandra & Robyn (Aus)
David Sands, 1981
Gary Smee, English 1981
Seeking: John Bryant Andy Smith John Collier Yael Alon Agatha.
Hanne Kristiansen, Norwegian 1981
Seeking: Anyone
Jackie Ward (Kreuch), English 1981
Seeking: Dutch Jackie Van Veen, Danish Vicky
paul totton, 1981
Seeking: laila larson [danish] dorthe nissen [danish]
Rachel Powell, English 1981
Steve Hansen (Stinky Feet), American 1981
Seeking: Jackie Reid, Vicky, Helmut Tibbe, Alan Oatey, Leif Bjorstrom
Alan Wilson, Scottish 1982
Alexis Granger (Agatha), 1982
Seeking: Andy Gary John Steve Laila
Andy Smith (Little Andy), English 1982
Seeking: John Bryant Alexi (agatha) Gary Tomatoes
Angela Hendry (Angie), Scottish 1982
Seeking: Colin Gillies And Anne
Angela Hendry (Angie), Scottish 1982
Seeking: Colin Gillies And Anne
Angela Hendry (Angie), Scottish 1982
Seeking: Colin Gillies And Anne
Angela Hendry (Angie), Scottish 1982
Seeking: Colin Gillies And Anne
Alan Wilson, Scottish 1983
Seeking: Pepsi Ouffi Julie Ronit Tina And Mac

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