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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh around about 2000 +/- 10 years.

, Dutch 1990
Seeking: Emmy, Arjen, Vincent, Anja,herman, Shalom
Anthea Mcguire (Gingit), Scottish 1990
Seeking: Nina Jonassan Sweden
Anthea Mcguire (Gingit), Scottish 1990
Seeking: Rod Stephens England Nina Sweden Leena Finland
Anthea Mcguire (Gingit), Scottish 1990
Seeking: Rod(eng) Nina(swed) Nigel(israel) Jean(fra) Patrick(bruss) Martin(sa)
Brad Bishop, American 1990
Seeking: Joe Jos Herman Janet Stefan Nigel Michal Chris Many More!
david van schie (David), 1990
Elizabeth Stannett, British 1990
Seeking: Tzahki Segal
Fiona Mackenzie, Scottish 1990
Seeking: Danny (usa/israel) Julio (brazil/israel) Any Other Volunteers
Joanna Rees (Jos), British 1990
Seeking: All The Folks Who Stayed During The Gulf War - Brad (ohio), Joe (guitar Man), Nina (oxabeck, Sweden), Julio (brazil), Herman (holland), Lou (canada).. And Lots More!
Lisbeth Simonsen, Danish 1990
Seeking: Marjolaine (holland)
Lisbeth Simonsen, Danish 1990
Seeking: Marjolaine (holland)
René Lenstra, Dutch 1990
Seeking: Andy (gb) Audrey (fr) Leila (can) Jeanette (nl) Laury (gb)
Sueli Pijpers, Dutch 1990
Seeking: Julio (bra) Waldo (nl) All The Volunteers Who Stayed During The Gulf War
Tsahi Segal, Israeli 1990
Seeking: Elizabeth Stannett
Vincent Meijer (Vince), Dutch 1990
Seeking: Herman
Waldo Wolff, Dutch 1990
Seeking: Bas , Sueli,
Esther Aeilts, German 1991
Seeking: Sören ( Dk) Mirko (d) Michael (d) Andi (gb) Moshe Und Miri (il)
Jon Øiseth, Norwegian 1991
Seeking: Everybody
Mark Friedman, English 1991
Seeking: All Of You - My Lovely Friends!
Rod Stephens, English 1991
Seeking: Anthea Scotland Ken England Joe Usa Arjen Holland
Sandie Stewart, Scottish 1991
Seeking: Everybody!!
Yoram Fleschedrage, Dutch 1991
Seeking: Ted Bumdike
Alexandra Ruiter, Dutch 1992
Seeking: Hugo Ronald Melissa

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