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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Ketura around about 1979 +/- 16 years.

Angelika Martinez, Israeli 1974
Seeking: Jane Osborn
Henry Besser, English 1974
Seeking: Mark Israel Barak Yakir Steve Susskind Anyone Who Knows The Whereabouts Of These Gentlemen
Jane Osborn (0zzie), British 1974
Seeking: Marc Israel Howie Katz
Jane Osborn (Ozzie), British 1974
Seeking: Marc Israel Americal Howie Katz Americal
Jane Osborn (0zzie), British 1975
Seeking: Marc Israel Howie Katz
Robert Litman, Jewish-American 1978
Seeking: Leah Kayman-Rosenzweig
Cara Bereck (None), American 1979
Seeking: Attias
Cara Bereck (None), American 1979
Seeking: Attias
Haim Attias, Israeli 1980
Seeking: Lori Nevias Susan Kaplan
Haim Attias, Israeli 1980
Seeking: Lori Nevias Susan Kaplan
Paul Ferner, English 1992
Seeking: The Cows
Eva Santamaria (Eva), American 1993
Seeking: Malkie Spodek, T-Zap (tzaporah), Brother Adam, Ilan (from Australian) Sandy Osman, Niklas Schulman, Paul (uk), Or Any Of The Other Good Friends I Met There.
Jon Baker, Canadian 1993
Seeking: Mica, Nivi, Emily, Rich, Leigh (sweden), Paul Harris (england) And Anyone Else
Li Solvika, Swedish 1993
Seeking: Jon Baker, Paul From England
Niklas Schulman (Nick), Swedish 1993
Seeking: Eva Santamaria (usa) Myles Sherman (can)
zoetaylor4 zoetaylor4 (zoe), 1993
Lucy Mcnicholas (Jucie), English 1994
Seeking: Zoe Taylor From The English Group Of 10.and Any1 Else Who Was At Ketura In 94/95.
Lucy Mcnicholas (Juicy), English 1994
Seeking: Zoe Taylor
Malkie Spodek, Canadian 1994
Seeking: Eva Santamaria
Lucy Mcnicholas (Jucie), English 1995
Seeking: Nina Goldbaum From Australia Goldcoast,was On Ketura With Her.would Love To Know Wot Yr Up 2?.
Lucy Mcnicholas (Juicy), English 1995
Seeking: Zoe Taylor

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