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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Carmia around about 1976 +/- 6 years.

Bob Best (Bob), 1971
Seeking: Crazy people working in the pardes, high as kites most days. Lots of fun & carefree days of youth! How soon they're lost.
foxjaures1 foxjaures1 (foxlosangeles), 1971
Lois Trager, American 1971
Seeking: Phillippe
Doron Balaish (Doron), Israeli 1974
Seeking: Paul, John
Lous De Waal, Dutch 1974
Seeking: Harm Albert Jeroen
Bernard Maugoust, French 1975
Seeking: Kibbutz Members Mainly
Daniel Aiss, Dutch 1975
Seeking: Wilna & The Other Dutch Friends.
Frances Clarke, Scottish 1976
Seeking: All The Swedish Volunteers, Bodil And The Rest Nace Goldman
Liran Levy (Levy), Israeli 1976
Seeking: Born There. Im The Son Of Moshe And Denice Levy
Andreas Hölzl, Austrian 1977
Seeking: Christin And Peter Cargan Tristan Paul And Ann Inches
Christine Cargan, English 1977
Seeking: Cam
Christine Cargan, English 1977
Seeking: Cam Tristan Andreas Clara
Clara Mather, English 1977
Seeking: Christine Caggins
Clara Mather, English 1977
Seeking: Christine Caggins
Jeffrey Drucker, American 1977
Seeking: Paul Henry Anne Lena Cam Many Others
Paul Inches, Australian 1977
Seeking: Jeff Drucker Doron Balaish Tim Taylor Malka John & Tsipi
Paul Inches, Canadian 1977
Seeking: Doron Balaish Tim Taylor Tim Dundore John And Tsipi Jeff Drucker
Paul Inches, Australian 1977
Seeking: Tim Taylor Doron Belaish John & Tsipi Tim Dundore
Frances Clarke, Scottish 1978
Seeking: Nanette Rowe American Dani
Jeffrey Drucker, American 1978
Seeking: Cam So Many Of You
Mandy Davis, British 1978
Seeking: Anyone who remembers me!

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