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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Kibbutz Amir around about 1992 +/- 12 years.

Bonnie Lieberman, U.s. 1981
Seeking: Andria
Jan Renes, Dutch 1981
Seeking: Peter Vlas (holl) Judith Goldenberg (usa) Elise (usa) Nick Hall ( Smaddy Yoel (isr) Wim Mestriner (holl) Mary Mossel (holl) Dave (engl) Martin (gr. Br)
John Mahoney, Irish 1981
Seeking: Masato Nagashima Peter Vlaas Roger Duncan Jenny Hicks
Marnix Beekmans, Dutch 1981
Seeking: Martin Holden Peter Vlas
Martin Holden, New Zealander / Kiwi 1981
Seeking: Marnix Beekmans Martine Galli Jan Renes Dave Line Others?
Mary Mossel (None), Dutch 1981
Seeking: Jan Renes
Anton Myburgh, South African 1982
Seeking: Simon
Seeking: anyone who remembers me.
Dave Garrity, English 1982
Seeking: Peter Vlass Dave Line
Karen Colpitts, English 1982
Seeking: Jane - England
Matthew Paines, English 1982
Seeking: Aviva
Silvan Jacobs DESPEAUX (jojo), French 1982
Seeking: looking for anyone will remember !!,easy i was the only frogy at that time!!!!!!
Rudy Van Westrop, Dutch 1983
Seeking: Sari Kumpula Alfonso Dilorenzo Ian Keeble Gitte Pedersen Lis Johanson Maria Marino Kanahs
Steve Wright, British 1983
Seeking: Mike
Wolf Karpowitz (Wolf), German 1983
Seeking: Jenny Hicks - Australia Vick Lavelle - Australia
Emma Currie, Scottish 1984
Seeking: Ragnar Friis Jargensen (nor)
Michelle Coathup, British 1984
Seeking: John Hazzard Colin Swedish Maria Kim Italian Maria
Ruben Ettema (Ruben), 1985
Lena Asblom, Swedish 1986
Seeking: Kia (swe) Tobbe (swe) Carina (swe) Asa (swe) Ingela(swe) Stefan (swe) Karin (swe) All The English, Danish And Swiss
Robert Brown (Rob), 1986
Seeking: Anyone that remembers me from working in that Nappy factory Big Ade, Phil, John,Tony, Mouse from SA,
Sigalit Katzir, Israeli 1986
Seeking: Sinmon
Wayne Jackson, English 1986
Seeking: Antony Lynch Simon Vobes Jill Ashworth

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