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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Home Hostel around about 2009 +/- 16 years.

Erik Bijker (Cloggi), Dutch 1993
Seeking: Stefe
Michelle Petricevich, New Zealander / Kiwi 1993
Seeking: surprise me
Raju Singh (Raju), Indian 1993
Seeking: I Am Looking For My Friend Her Name Is Anat Hadar
Jason Jarrett, English 1994
Seeking: Laura,old Simon, Keith, Irish Steve,hairy John
Laura Ariel, Argentinian 1994
Seeking: Jason Steve Was Keith Aron
Seeking: jason aharon morav kievf steven was rob
Leah Rubin (None), Armenian 1994
Seeking: Steve And Duncan
Leah Rubin (None), Armenian 1994
Seeking: Steve Duncan
Warren Matthews (Woz), English 1994
Seeking: The Sweedish Girls Laura,duncan Green,irish Steve,hairy John,keith,justin
Nick Ackerley, English 1995
Seeking: Paul Wayne Caitlin
Rohan Hattingh, South African 1995
Seeking: Lisa, Dave , Phil, Margeriet, Rieta
Nick Ackerley, English 1996
Seeking: Paul Wayne Caitlin
Alex(shy) Katsiv, American 1997
Seeking: Francisco
Jim Bo, American 1997
Seeking: Giles(sa), Jason(uk), Daryl(nz), James(uk)
Claus Frederiksen (None), Norwegian 1998
Seeking: Nelima. Switzeland Paul Banks. Scotland Billy. Netherlands Dave.england/denmark The Uk Elvis Fan Justine. Uk
Peta Vale, 1998
Seeking: Aussie Joanne.Irish Steve(piercings)south African Elise,English Kieyh(married yal)Hungarian Peter, South African Eric and girlfriend,Hungarian Geza
Asamoah Emmanuel (Peacebona), Ghanaian 2009
Seeking: Female
Stella Koneh (Stella123), American 2009
Seeking: Love Youlove Youlove Youlove Youlove Youlove Youlove Youlove Youlove Youlove Youlove You

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