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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in England around about 1976 +/- 12 years.

Anne Hutchinson, English 1965
Seeking: Frank Risques-Agenjo
Elaine Glanville (Elaine), English 1965
Seeking: Norman Phillips English Shirley Phillips Or Miller Canadian Ruth Phillips (niece)
David Oliver (Ollie), British 1970
Seeking: Christine Elliot British Her Parents Lived On The Borders Of Scotland A Small Place Called Wolla Or Wulla , Would Like To Know How Shes Doing Or If Any One Knows Where She Is
Barbara Mullin, Irish 1972
Seeking: Stuart Anderson
Lisa Charney, American 1972
Seeking: Peet Mulder
Lorna Parsons, English 1974
Seeking: Marilyn Strawb Dianne
Tope Oguns (Label), Nigerian 1975
Seeking: Sam Owopetu
Kourosh Malakizandi, Iranian 1976
Seeking: Veronica Nobs
Janet Susan Percival Ham, English 1980
Seeking: Kupukile Mlambo
Annie Mitchell, British 1983
Seeking: Warwick Mcfayden
Makereta Rokotakala (Princess), Fijian 1983
Seeking: Edward
Chris Wallis, English 1984
Seeking: Tracy O'Driscoll
Heather Malcomson, British 1986
Seeking: Michael J Tomsett
Tope Oguns (Label), Nigerian 2001
Seeking: Segun Alalade

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