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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Castell Montgri around about 2000 +/- 12 years.

Carol Hegan, Scottish 1995
Seeking: Matias Rodach German
Carol Hegan, Scottish 1995
Seeking: Matias Rodach German
Helen Griffiths, English 1995
Seeking: Any Of The Mental Scottish Lot That Were There! Scott Sent Me A Letter Recently With No Return Address, Would Love To Get In Touch Again! Also Jamie Howells And Nicola
Daisy Ashworth, English 1997
Seeking: Laura Mcbride Laura Whitby Matthew Bean Pippa Beale
Lucy Romanucci, English 1997
Seeking: Paul Frisch
Lee Bateman, English 1998
Seeking: Laura Mcbride, Lorna Heaton
Daisy Ashworth, English 1999
Seeking: Mark Diamond
Anthony Rees (Taffy), British 2000
Seeking: Wesley Martin Chris Holland
Michelle Ash (Michi), British 2000
Seeking: Helen [british] Pascal [holand] Ann [irish]
Julie Snow (Jules), English 2002
Seeking: Scot Scots Bar
Keith Goddard, English 2002
Seeking: Everyone Thats Not On Facebook
Keith Goddard, English 2002
Seeking: Everyone Thats Not On Facebook
Roisin Andrews, English 2002
Seeking: Simon Ross Craig Amy Laura

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