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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Cale Street Hostel around about 1984 +/- 6 years.

Nancy Randleman, U.s. 1981
Seeking: Gina Meyer, Germany
Lili Jiang, Chinese 1982
Seeking: Habi
Josee Proulx, 1983
Seeking: babs, sheila, rob, karen, david and everyone else who was there in 1983-1984!!!!
Bill Gerlt, American 1984
Seeking: Staff And Wanderers
Braun Florent (Flo), French 1984
Seeking: Liz, Randy,dave From Uk Gerald And Jenny , Steve , Paul Korbel ,
Caroline , 1984
Seeking: anyone would be fantastic. also as I live in Sydney, anyone in Australia would be nice.
Seeking: Cats Chris
Jana Moriarty (Jana), American 1984
Seeking: Liz, Rory
Paul Korbel (Korby), Australian 1984
Seeking: Braun Florent (flo) French
Sarah Mills, English 1984
Seeking: Lisa Ingram (US)
Shambo Chahal, English 1984
Seeking: Any One
Shambo Chahal (Shambo), English 1984
Seeking: Any One
Shambo Chahal (Shambo), English 1984
Seeking: Tom (ireland) Mark (england) Sue(england)richard(usa)
Tim Deighton, English 1984
Seeking: Jerry (boston) Lief Morris
Veronique Xantopulos, French 1984
Seeking: leif, jerry
Vittoria Hawksworth I, Italian 1984
Xx Xx, English 1984
Seeking: Lisa
Bill Gerlt, American 1985
Seeking: front desk staff
Bob Blair, 1985
Brenton Doyle (Doyley), Australian 1985
Seeking: Cherese Swann And Any Of The Staff I Worked With my memory has gone i left some of it at this place, i was the dj there in the mad little place down stairs
Caroline , 1985
Owen Rutherford (Skippy), 1985
Seeking: All who were there around Xmas 1985 I have forgotten most of the names but remember the faces, I worked behind the bar for a couple of months I have vague memories of the staff putting on a christmas play it was either The wizard of Oz or the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe either way I was a very stoned and pissed lion. Names I remember Buzz and Jacque {Behind the bar}, Keith Leeson {Driver}, Mick Casey {Hustler}, Dan, Caroline , Cyndi, Rocky {Rachelle} Richards, Patrick Welsh who I ended up tr
Patrick Walsh, Canadian 1985
Seeking: Anyone
Peter Karlsson, Swedish 1985
Seeking: Liz Randy Markus
Sarah Mills, English 1985
Seeking: Lisa Ingram (US)

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