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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Benidorm around about 1972 +/- 12 years.

Carole Saunders, English 1971
Seeking: Federico Aparicio
Chris Walker, 1971
Seeking: John Brown, Brian Brown Terry Jeap Bisentie Lalie International Club
Nigel Renton, English 1971
Allan Pennington, English 1972
Seeking: Christine Grayson
Allan Pennington, English 1972
Seeking: Christine Grayson
Allan Pennington, English 1972
Seeking: john brown christine grayson
Pete Dickinson, English 1972
Seeking: Worked At Bar El Cid Opposite Tito'S Looking For Workers/customers
Grendon George (Grinder), English 1973
Seeking: Degas Dave Phil Dayah Jez
Ann Fisher, Scottish 1974
Seeking: Juan Jezus Llorente Carillo
Ann Fisher, Scottish 1974
Seeking: Juan Jezus Llorente Carillo
Malcolm Heaton, British 1974
Seeking: Steve Brookes
Bart Hubertus, Dutch 1975
Seeking: Barbara, Rep Cosmos - Hotel Bali - 1975 - Coral Garden
Bart Hubertus, Dutch 1975
Seeking: Barbara, Representative Of Cosmos Holidays -Hotel Bali - Coral Garden
Alison Thompson, English 1977
Seeking: Julie Deakin
Seeking: Intasun reps who worked with me in Benidorm from 1977 til around 1980, or any other Thomson,Cosmos reps there at the same time. I used to work in Los Pelicanos
Jane Bingham, English 1977
Seeking: Starsky Estascio
Jane Bingham, English 1977
Seeking: Starsky Estascio
Jorge Sousa, Portuguese 1977
Seeking: Teresa Duarte
Patricia Morris, English 1977
Seeking: Jj English
Susan Arden (Sue), English 1977
Seeking: Richard Chamberlain
Carole Seaton, English 1978
Seeking: New Life One
Anne Merrifield, British 1979
Seeking: Dave Brooks
Des Lee, Scottish 1979
Seeking: Tony Lignos Mick Lignos Emu Stevenage Boys
Elizabeth Do Dobson (Liz), Scottish 1979
Seeking: Anyone Who Remembers Marco, Emma And Mini Marco The Calieu Bar, Pig N Whistles Supertramps All The Workers And The Campsite
Nigel Renton, English 1979
Seeking: Gonzo Graham (hartlepool) Cookie (liverpool)
Nigel Renton, English 1979
Seeking: Graham (hartlepool)
Nigel Renton, English 1982
Nigel Renton, English 2001

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