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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Benalmadena around about 2001 +/- 16 years.

Victoria Lawson, British Virgin Islander 1989
Seeking: Woodsy Preston
Samantha Francis (Sam), English 1992
Seeking: Sian Leech
Seeking: Andrea Fernandez Laura Brunto
Leanne Simons, English 2001
Seeking: James Thompson Louise Tickle
Leanne Simons, English 2001
Seeking: James Thompson Louise Tickle
Neil Pollock, English 2002
Seeking: John French
Becky Thomas, Welsh 2003
Seeking: Declan Aged 9? Stayed At Pueblo Evita With Sister And Family
Keren Williams (Kez), English 2003
Seeking: Martin Ryan Grant Jason
Sarah Barnes (Sarah), English 2008
Seeking: I Am Looking For Sue From Cornwall. We Were In The Holiday Village From 2nd March 2008. I Lost Your Email! You Were On Holiday With Your Mum And 2 Children. Would Be Nice To Hear From You. Sarah & Colin

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