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Holiday & Travel, Expats & Backpackers & Kibbutz & Moshav Friends Reunited. Even Pen Pals & Red Coats are in.

Travel & Holiday Friends Reunited

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The following LostAmigos were in Australia (no specific place) around about 1961 +/- 8 years.

Frank Wray-Mccann (None), Irish 1961
Seeking: Jennifer Davies (oz) Liz Webster (teacher)
Glennice Pearson, British 1961
Seeking: June Anderson
Maureen Edge (Maureen), British 1964
Seeking: Leslie Nieslnik
Jan Perrin, Scottish 1965
Seeking: Eliabeth Laidlaw Sottish
Beverley Newby, Australian 1966
Seeking: Anne Vervoorn
Isobel Rodgers (Issy), British 1966
Seeking: John Bell (british) Went To Kelvin Secondary School In Belfast
Marina Wilson, English 1966
Seeking: Dennis Pearce Duke Street Brisbane Australia
Elizabeth Back (Libby), Australian 1967
Seeking: Louwella Smith
Josephine Cassidy (Josie), English 1967
Seeking: Keith And Margaret Mitchell British
Liz Kinght( Doyl, English 1967
Seeking: I Am Seaking John Or Phil Barker ( Brothers) Went To Austalia In 1967
Liz Kinght( Doyl, English 1967
Seeking: I Am Seaking John Or Phil Barker ( Brothers) Went To Austalia In 1967
Isobel Rodgers (Issy), British 1968
Seeking: Mary Jackson (nee Lavery) Irish Holy Cross Girls Primary & St Gemmas Sec Schools
Josephine Cassidy (Josie), English 1968
Seeking: Margaret Mitchell.
Pamela Lace, English 1968
Seeking: Phillip Birch
Pamela Lace, English 1968
Seeking: Phillip Birch
Clive Purchase, English 1969
Seeking: Alex Anderson Pacific Highway Labrador Nr.southport Queensland

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