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• Joined: 11 September 2007
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Jeroen Zaalberg

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Jeroen's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed-He, Israel - (101) joined: 11/09/2007 20:36:41
Looking for: all the people that had a great time in the drugstore, the one's i worked with in the cowsshed and milking 3 shifts a day, also looking for members of the kibbutz, had a great time there,

Meanwhile in the same Year: John Lennon of the Beatles shot dead in New York City. ...more
Israel Kibbutz Zora, Israel - (55) joined: 11/09/2007 20:38:20
Looking for: Tehena, Avron the biggest love off my live. Rachel, Ziggy, and all the other freind i had there. like big Martin and Gale from England.

Meanwhile in the same Year: Poland government crushes the Solidarity movement ...more
Israel Kibbutz Ha On, Israel - (67) joined: 11/09/2007 20:34:00
Looking for: Working on the camping and the ostrichfarm, banana's was also great, was ther with my Sister Mattijn, friend Bob and Naomi, we came from holland by car and had windsurfeboards.

Meanwhile in the same Year: Bob Geldof and Band Aid release "Do They Know It's Christmas" ...more

A bit about Jeroen:
Dutch, male living in Graft Holland.

Born: Saturday, 29 June 1963. 22,281 Days ago!

after traveling until 1988 it was time to settle. i now run a transport company of my own with 19 international trucks. a B&B in the backgarden,

Jeroen's Bucket List


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