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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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• Joined: 02 December 2005
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Herman Vreede

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Herman's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Mizra, Israel - (301) joined: 02/12/2005 22:40:22
Looking for: Eva - Sweden Dorothy ? - Scotland Joe - Usa Arie - Holland (uden) Bas - Holland Foukje - Holland (den Bosch) And More ... ?

Meanwhile in the same Year: Sadam Hussein declares war against Iran for close to a decade over oil rights. ...more

A bit about Herman:
Dutch, male living in Papendrecht The Netherlands.

Worked in the Ta'amal, with some other students from Holland (Bas, Arie and .?). Stayed first in the volunteers huts and later at the Garin. Had a few lessons Ivriet at Daddy's home. I remember Walter from Germany who plays the Guitar. Whe also trained in the gym. Bas, Joe and I spend a week in the kibbutz' appartment in Jerusalem. We also went for a trip to the South with the volunteers, climbed Masada before dawn and went to Eilat.

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