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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 31 January 2010
• Is Online: False


Lisa Zaretsky

Lisa's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Mizra, Israel - (301) joined: 31/01/2010 20:01:21
Looking for: Jeff Magnuson - U.s. Effie - Kibbutznik Diane - U.s. Beth - U.s. Howards (2) - Canada David (white) U.s. Gila - Kibbutznik

Meanwhile in the same Year: Rhodesias Prime Minister Ian D. Smith and three black leaders agree on transfer to black majority rule ...more

A bit about Lisa:
Canadian, female living in Toronto .

would love to hear from anyone from the old gang - mostly volunteers and kibbutzniks. What good times we had. I really haven't changed much - still have socialist tendencies. Have a spouse and 2 teenagers and cats.

Lisa's Bucket List


My Headlines

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