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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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Statistics• Confirmed: True
• Joined: 23 July 2006
• Is Online: False


Jennifer Sokolsky

(AKA: Jenn "ohio" )
Jennifer's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Kfar Szold, Israel - (37) joined: 23/07/2006 02:08:25
Looking for: Pam Gary Matt Jen Aimee Oded

Meanwhile in the same Year: Muslim funamentalists tried to destroy the World Trade Center, killing five people and trapping tens of thousands of office workers in the tower. ...more

A bit about Jennifer:
American, female living in Phoenix .

Since I saw all of you last, I have gotten married to a wondeful man named Stuart, and now live in Phoenix, Arizona..We have been married almost 2 years and have no children-yet! I will be starting my Master's in Education in 2 weeks and that will take one year...I am a substitute teacher right now, and cannot wait to have my own class-preferably 3rd grade... I hope you are all well and everyone is safe at the kibbutz... I look forward to catching up with you all soon!!!

Jennifer's Bucket List


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