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Holy Moly I know this dude!
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• Joined: 23 August 2016
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Tony Gale

Tony's Trips & Places
Israel Kibbutz Yagur, Israel - (321) joined: 23/08/2016 19:58:36
Looking for: Nige,Shane,Makoto,Guy,Pat,John,Graham,Arie & all the 85' gang really! Im from the Isle of Man in the UK,originally went to Israel with another "manx" lad early March,intending to stay a month or so & ended up staying until August! Anyone who was there from March to August of that year. I was the youngest Vol that year i think? at barely 18. Worked in econ with Shane & grumpy old Phil for the majority of my stay after the first 2 months. Played footy with the gang regularly & totally rocked Ha

Meanwhile in the same Year: Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior is bombed by the French during protests of it's nuclear testing in the Pacific ...more

A bit about Tony:
English, male living in Isle of Man.

Born: 16th September

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